Kisses, not conventional cotton should rest on your baby’s skin.
The epidermis is our largest organ; it’s our protection again the harsh elements we encounter every day. Did you know that a baby’s skin is paper thin? It’s especially sensitive during the first year.
In an article by Maria Livingstone in she cites Bernard Cohen, M.D., Director of Pediatric Dermatology at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. He says, “A baby’s skin starts out thinner, has less pigment, and doesn’t regulate temperature as well as the skin of bigger kids and adults…it takes about a year for that epidermis to get up to speed and function effectively.”
Here are some of the top enemies of your baby’s skin during the first year while their skin gets used to this new world.
- Overheating – heat, extra clothes, hot water while bathing.
- Dry air – heating systems that use forced hot air, air conditioning units
- Mechanical skin damage – remember your baby’s skin in paper thin, rubbing against clothing, crawling on carpets, even scrubbing too hard when bathing baby.
- Chemicals – disinfectants, detergents, chlorinated water, fabric dyes, and synthetic fabrics. Watch out for clothing that is not GOTS certified. They are heavily laden with chemicals.
- Soap – It’s only necessary to wash away those messes that a wipe can’t clean up. Choose a sensitive non-fragrance hypoallergenic soap that won’t irritate your baby’s skin.
Considering how many chemicals that are used in the production of cotton around the world, the best option for baby’s skin is GOTS certified organic cotton because the cotton hasn’t been raised with toxic chemicals.
Did you know that seven of the 15 most carcinogenic chemicals known to humans are used on the conventional cotton crop?
The Huffington Post noted conventional cotton is a highly chemical-intensive crop. “It uses 3% of the world’s arable land, 10% of all agricultural chemicals, and 25% of all insecticides. This is significant because cotton makes up 50% of the world’s fiber needs. With 29 million tons produced annually around the world; traditional cotton consumes more chemical pesticides than any other crop.” (
In fact, it took about a pound of chemicals to produce that cute cotton romper your baby is wearing.
Do you want your baby’s sensitive skin against that residue?
GOTS certified organic cotton is the best option. According to the Organic Trade Association, “Organic cotton is grown using methods and materials that have a low impact on the environment. Organic production systems replenish and maintain soil fertility, expand biologically diverse agriculture, and prohibit the use of synthetic toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers, as well as genetically engineered seed. Third-party certification organizations verify that organic producers meet strict federal regulations addressing methods and materials allowed in organic production.”
Carefully consider what clothing you choose for your baby, especially during the first year, due to the sensitivity. Choose organic cotton vs. conventional cotton for peace of mind.