Simply Chickie Happenings

When Blue Meant Girl and Pink Meant Boy...
Norms change all the time: take the example of baby boy and baby girl clothing. Now, pink is generally attributed to a baby girl, and blue is generally assigned to...
When Blue Meant Girl and Pink Meant Boy...
Norms change all the time: take the example of baby boy and baby girl clothing. Now, pink is generally attributed to a baby girl, and blue is generally assigned to...

What kind of Aunt or Uncle are you?
Aunts and Uncles play a very important role in children's lives.
What kind of Aunt or Uncle are you?
Aunts and Uncles play a very important role in children's lives.

Babies born now are...
Want a fun fact you can share at your next zoom conference? No doubt you have a little one on the way, a shower, or a birthday coming up. More...
Babies born now are...
Want a fun fact you can share at your next zoom conference? No doubt you have a little one on the way, a shower, or a birthday coming up. More...

4 Quick Answers to the Question: What size do I...
Your friend is having a baby soon—you just got the virtual baby shower invitation! Yippee! You can buy baby clothes! But, what size do you get?
4 Quick Answers to the Question: What size do I...
Your friend is having a baby soon—you just got the virtual baby shower invitation! Yippee! You can buy baby clothes! But, what size do you get?

Pregnancy and COVID-19
I wanted to alert you to a COVID-19 study called the Priority Study which is a research product underway to collect data on pregnant and recently pregnant women under investigation...
Pregnancy and COVID-19
I wanted to alert you to a COVID-19 study called the Priority Study which is a research product underway to collect data on pregnant and recently pregnant women under investigation...

Each one of us can make a difference!
We are all finding our way through this unknown, changing by the minute, time: reaching out to friends, providing moral support, financial support, and caring for the sick.
Each one of us can make a difference!
We are all finding our way through this unknown, changing by the minute, time: reaching out to friends, providing moral support, financial support, and caring for the sick.