Simply Chickie Happenings

Clean Wear© - Join the Revolution!
More than 10 years ago, two transformational events took place in my life within one week: I discovered I would soon become a mom, only to be diagnosed with Stage...
Clean Wear© - Join the Revolution!
More than 10 years ago, two transformational events took place in my life within one week: I discovered I would soon become a mom, only to be diagnosed with Stage...

Indiegogo Update!
We have had almost 3000 visits to our Indiegogo campaign. Indiegogo (Simply chickie) Check it out. Be a part of the clean wear revolution!
Indiegogo Update!
We have had almost 3000 visits to our Indiegogo campaign. Indiegogo (Simply chickie) Check it out. Be a part of the clean wear revolution!

Simply Chickie on the go-go!
Hello Friends, Family, and Simply Chickie Afficionados! The time has come to launch the Simply Chickie Crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo! Woo hoo!
Simply Chickie on the go-go!
Hello Friends, Family, and Simply Chickie Afficionados! The time has come to launch the Simply Chickie Crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo! Woo hoo!

Business Lessons through Children's Books - Part 2
"Early one morning the wind blew a spider across the field. A thin, silky thread trailed from her body," begins Eric Carle's The Very Busy Spider. There is a business...
Business Lessons through Children's Books - Part 2
"Early one morning the wind blew a spider across the field. A thin, silky thread trailed from her body," begins Eric Carle's The Very Busy Spider. There is a business...

What is your wow word?
So what's your "Fancy Nancy" word? The one wow word you use to describe your business? Do you fumble with your pitch? I'm well a ________. I create_________. What I...
What is your wow word?
So what's your "Fancy Nancy" word? The one wow word you use to describe your business? Do you fumble with your pitch? I'm well a ________. I create_________. What I...

Your Dad's Lessons -Business Lessons through Ch...
As entrepreneurs we break land and speed records with what we attempt to accomplish. We feel like we cannot hold on sometimes.I am reminded of the Audrey Hepburn quote, "The...
Your Dad's Lessons -Business Lessons through Ch...
As entrepreneurs we break land and speed records with what we attempt to accomplish. We feel like we cannot hold on sometimes.I am reminded of the Audrey Hepburn quote, "The...