Simply Chickie Happenings

Best Baby Shower Gifts

Best Baby Shower Gifts

In an age of online shopping you would think finding the best baby shower gifts would be a breeze, right? But, in the “information age” in which we live, it...

Best Baby Shower Gifts

In an age of online shopping you would think finding the best baby shower gifts would be a breeze, right? But, in the “information age” in which we live, it...

What is “Organic” Clothing?

What is “Organic” Clothing?

Well, this is a tough one to answer, because regulation and certification by government entities around the world have been a bit slow to respond to demand in the marketplace...

What is “Organic” Clothing?

Well, this is a tough one to answer, because regulation and certification by government entities around the world have been a bit slow to respond to demand in the marketplace...

Clean Wear© - Join the Revolution!

Clean Wear© - Join the Revolution!

More than 10 years ago, two transformational events took place in my life within one week: I discovered I would soon become a mom, only to be diagnosed with Stage...

Clean Wear© - Join the Revolution!

More than 10 years ago, two transformational events took place in my life within one week: I discovered I would soon become a mom, only to be diagnosed with Stage...

Indiegogo Update!

Indiegogo Update!

We have had almost 3000 visits to our Indiegogo campaign. Indiegogo (Simply chickie) Check it out. Be a part of the clean wear revolution!

Indiegogo Update!

We have had almost 3000 visits to our Indiegogo campaign. Indiegogo (Simply chickie) Check it out. Be a part of the clean wear revolution!

Simply Chickie on the go-go!

Simply Chickie on the go-go!

Hello Friends, Family, and Simply Chickie Afficionados! The time has come to launch the Simply Chickie Crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo! Woo hoo!

Simply Chickie on the go-go!

Hello Friends, Family, and Simply Chickie Afficionados! The time has come to launch the Simply Chickie Crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo! Woo hoo!

Business Lessons through Children's Books - Part 2

Business Lessons through Children's Books - Part 2

"Early one morning the wind blew a spider across the field. A thin, silky thread trailed from her body," begins Eric Carle's The Very Busy Spider. There is a business...

Business Lessons through Children's Books - Part 2

"Early one morning the wind blew a spider across the field. A thin, silky thread trailed from her body," begins Eric Carle's The Very Busy Spider. There is a business...